Vimazi in Europe
What we do
Most companies make shoes for fast runners and sell them to the rest of us. At Vimazi, we create pace-matched running shoes that offer better cushioning and greater efficiency than previous generations of running shoes.
The physics of pace-tuned shoes
When Vimazi CEO Scott Tucker was running for his interval training at 6 a.m. in 2017, he had an idea. He thought that a shoe made for a specific pace might provide better cushioning and greater propulsion efficiency than a general shoe that wasn't "tuned" for a specific pace.
It took three years to fully understand the physics of human running and the forces it creates. When we finally understood the physics, we created an equation that defines the running forces. We are now able to calculate the exact impact and propulsive force in Newtons for any pace, including variations in height, weight and cadence. (A newton is a metric unit of force.) The data from the Forces in Running study we conducted matched the force calculations we got from physics. In other words: We know it works!
Because we knew the exact impact and propulsion forces at each pace, we were able to develop shoe models for different pace zones. So our pace-tuned technology is based on pure physics. No flashy marketing, no guesswork, no correlational studies, no self-reported data sets and false statistics.
The problem with previous generation running shoes
Most running shoes have the same density of foam from heel to toe and are sold to runners of all speeds. The problem is that the midsole foam cannot respond properly to the forces at all speeds, and it cannot even respond adequately to the differences between impact and propulsion forces. To ensure you get the cushioning you want and the efficiency you deserve, you need a shoe that's made for a specific pace zone and tuned differently in the heel than in the forefoot.
The Vimazi solution
Our solution to this running shoe problem was to create something that had never been done before – pace-matched running shoes. In 2023, after years of testing, we launched seven road shoe models covering speeds from 4:30 minutes per mile to 15 minutes per mile (2:50-9:30 minutes per kilometer). By designing a shoe for a specific pace zone, we were able to provide each runner with better shock absorption and propulsion efficiency.
25 years of experience
We've taken everything we've learned in 25 years of making running shoes - and even longer in marathon running - and taken it to a whole new level with pace tuning. It offers a better and more personalized running experience. We have been instrumental in developing shoes for Montrail, Scott Sports and Pearl Izumi. We learned even more when we owned a running store and organized running events.
The fit of a marathon runner
Running shoes can have the best technology, but if they don't fit well, no one will wear them. We wouldn't do that either! Not only have we perfected innovative fit technologies over the course of our careers at other companies, particularly Montrail, but we are also lifelong marathon runners ourselves. That's why we understand fit and know how important it is, from heel to toe. Each of our models has been carefully designed and built with the perfect fit in mind. Since 2019, they have also been tested extensively on the road and trails, including at the Boston, London, Missoula, Portland, San Antonio, San Francisco and Two Oceans marathons.
Are you a slower runner? Welcome to Vimazi!
Some casual runners believe that Vimazi and its pace-tuned technology are only for fast, competitive runners. Absolutely not! The Vimazi Z70 is tuned for optimal performance between 10 and 13 min/mile (6:20 and 8:00 min/km). The cushioning and extremely efficient push you get when running in this shoe at this pace are the result of careful, physical tuning. The forefoot stability and design features are all designed for a 10-13 minute per mile runner.
If you run 13 minutes per mile, you are just as much of a runner as someone who runs 5 minutes per mile. And you deserve a shoe that's made for your pace.